Budleigh beach during Great British Beach Clean GBBC 2017 Andrew Brown

Cleaning our great British beaches with Cully & Sully Soup

For a third year, our friends at Cully & Sully Soup are sponsoring the Great British Beach Clean, running from 20 – 29 September 2024.

Around 5,000 volunteers take part in our flagship event each year.

Sponsorship from Cully & Sully allows us to run beach cleans across the country and support volunteers to organise their own cleans with training, resources and litter picking kits.

GBBC 2023, Portsmouth

Credit: Billy Barraclough

Last September, the partnership helped volunteers to collect 129,361 pieces of litter from UK beaches - 7,476 kilos of waste that would otherwise have ended up in our ocean.

With the support of our corporate partners and volunteers, we're able to clear up our coastline and collect vital information on what's polluting our seas.

Clare Trotman, Beachwatch Officer

The data collected by volunteer-submitted litter surveys enables us to campaign for positive change to protect the ocean, and has already helped implement plastic bag charges, better wet wipe labelling, and support a tax on single-use plastic items.

2024 marks the third year that we've partnered with Cully & Sully on our Great British Beach Clean. Known for their delicious soups, Cully & Sully also have a passion for the ocean and our natural environment, and have supported beach cleaning in Ireland for many years.

Cullen Allen, aka Cully of Cully and Sully soups, said: “We are excited to be part of the UK’s biggest beach clean initiative for a third year.

As a B Corp, doing good is at the core of what we do. We are always striving to do better internally as a business but we really enjoy when we get to encourage and join our customers in doing good.

We are looking forward to getting stuck in to the beach cleans again this year, serving up our soup to the SOUPer volunteers and taking direct action on marine litter.

Cullen Allen, Cully & Sully

Cully & Sully will also support our beach cleans in person this year, joining volunteers at events along the Wirral, North West and Brighton, South East.

Cully and Sully campervan - 35141 - Billy Barraclough

Credit: Billy Barraclough

Cully and Sully, Hove - Billy Barraclough

Credit: Billy Barraclough

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