Waves at sea level Thierry Meier

Young people demand climate change action

1 minute read

People across the world have spoken up about their concern for climate change in a recent UN Global Climate Poll and the loudest voices have come from young people.

The opinion poll is the largest that’s ever been done on climate change, and reveals that two thirds of people worldwide think climate change is a ‘global emergency’.

The youngest age group questioned had the biggest concerns, with 69% of those aged 14-18 saying they believe there is a climate emergency. The poll also found that the highest proportion of people saying there is a climate emergency were from the UK and Italy, both at 81%.

We’re encouraged by the news that so many people around the world, and in the UK, believe that climate change needs to be tackled head-on. It’s our mission to improve the state of our seas and shores, which play a huge part in our fight for a greener future.

We’re making sure that young people’s voices are heard loud and clear. The poll also found that education was key to understanding the emergency we are facing. We will continue providing resources, information and guidance so that everyone can understand the issues facing our planet and how we can all play a part in the solution.

It’s our mission to improve the state of our seas and shores, which play a huge part in our fight for a greener future.

In November 2021, the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) will begin, hosted in Glasgow, making this year crucial for our planet and addressing the climate emergency.

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Learn more about the role of the ocean in limiting the causes and effects of climate change with our campaigns, webinars and more…

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  • You can also support our seagrass restoration work. Seagrass is the single most important species in the sea for locking in carbon, but, seagrass beds are in decline. We’re working to reduce the damage to seagrass meadows caused by traditional, harmful mooring methods which impact the sea floor. You can read more about the project here.

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