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Why turning the tide on plastic matters to Kathryn

2 minute read

What drives people to fight for the future of our seas? We asked Kathryn Robinson, one of our supporters who recently launched an ocean-friendly business, what ties her to the waves and drives her passion to protect and preserve our ocean.

The Marine Conservation Society's community of ocean heroes comes in many forms, thousands of people have joined us in the three decades we've been fighting for the future of our ocean. What fascinates me is hearing what drives people to be part of the marine conservation charity's work.

What ties us to the waves can be very different, memories of family trips to the seaside often feature or the need to take urgent action after seeing something devastating affecting marine wildlife or our beautiful beaches.

But what we have found to be universal amongst all of our supporters and volunteers - and the dedicated team that work at the Marine Conservation Society - is our shared passion to protect and restore the health of our seas. And our commitment to ensure that our ocean can be enjoyed by our children, and future generations.

Kathryn Robinson led the launch of Oceans plastic-free toilet tissue, a company who is so committed to supporting our work at the Marine Conservation Society that even though it's only a year old, they are the main sponsors of our annual Plastic Challenge.

We asked her about her personal connection with the ocean, and why turning the tide on plastic is so important to her.

My love of the coast began with my scuba-diving dad

Almost every family holiday I had when I was young was by the sea. My Dad’s a scuba diver, so I spent a great deal of time harbour side. Now I’m married to Adam, who’s also a scuba diving fan, so little’s changed – not that I’d want it to, I love the coast.

We frequently drive down the M6 with our kids and wetsuits in tow to enjoy the world-renowned beaches of Cornwall.

So, I guess it’s only natural that I’m concerned about plastic pollution and the devastating impact it has on our oceans and marine wildlife.

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Kathryn used to sit on the harbour side waiting for her scuba-diving dad as a child

My daughter helps me clean plastic off the beach

I take a bin bag with me when I go to the beach to collect the plastic debris and litter that washes up on our shores. My daughter even asks me “can we go on a beach clean”, my hatred for all things litter has clearly rubbed off!

When I had the opportunity to lead the launch of a plastic-free, sustainable toilet roll brand, I was pretty excited, especially as it meant partnering with the Marine Conservation Society, a charity I admire.

Like most, I want to do the right thing without compromising on quality and paying over the odds - I knew of other brands claiming to be sustainable but for me their sustainability and quality credentials didn’t stack up.

It's rewarding to know that through my work I've managed to achieve quality, sustainability and we've made sure that it's affordable too. Plus if I'm honest it's also super-convenient having my loo rolls regularly delivered direct to my door.

"I’m concerned about plastic pollution and the devastating impact it has on our oceans and marine wildlife

Kathryn Robinson, Oceans plastic-free toilet tissue



of litter on our beaches has made it there from land



of beach cleans last year found face masks and PPE

We've proven that quality doesn't cost the earth

Our team at Oceans has proven that you can make an eco-friendly product that's as good as anything you can buy in the shops and doesn't cost the earth.

And I know that through my work, and our support for the Marine Conservation Society, I'm making a bigger difference and helping to tackle the problem of plastic polluting our seas.

Plus I'm helping our customers to protect our oceans for generations to come too. It's a great feeling.

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Healthier oceans, protected oceans