Big Seaweed Search Pattern

Get Seaweed Search ready with our new events

3 minute read

Join us at some of our upcoming events and get set to spot seaweed for this year’s Big Seaweed Search, running from 23-31 July.

Every year we team up with the Natural History Museum and citizen scientists, like you, to collect valuable information on seaweeds around the UK.

By recording the seaweed species you come across on beaches, you collect important data which informs our research and enables us to monitor how climate change is impacting our ocean and marine life.

BSSW 2022 Banner

The Big Seaweed Search

There are over 650 species of seaweed found in our waters, but we’re on the hunt for just 14 of these to build a bigger picture of what’s happening in our ocean.

These 14 species have been chosen as they’re good indicators of things like rising sea temperature, ocean acidification, and the effect of non-native species arriving on our coastline.

The more data we collect on these species of seaweed, the more information we can use to research and predict change - which helps us come up with solutions to better protect our ocean for the future.

It’s easy to get involved. We’re hosting some training events where we’ll share top tips for seaweed searching and cover everything you need to know about taking part. You can register to join an online event or find a live beach event in your area below.

Fucoid seaweed Georgie Bull

Credit: Georgie Bull

Online training events

How to take part in the Big Seaweed Search

We'll get you started with all the tools and information you need to take part in the Big Seaweed Search. You’ll learn how to identify and record species you come across, how to submit your results, and how this contributes to important research. There'll be time to ask your questions, too.

Monday 18th July - 6pm

Saturday 23rd July - 10am

Wednesday 27th July - 6pm

The Big Seaweed Search at Wembury 2016 Anna Starley

Credit: Anna Starley

In-person events

Our regional volunteer co-ordinators and Sea Champions will be on beaches across the UK leading some Big Seaweed Search events throughout the week. These sessions will include an introduction to the search and our team will provide you with everything you need to take part.

There’ll also be a practical beach session, where you’ll take part in a Big Seaweed Search. Our team will be on hand to support you and can help you identify species you’re unsure of.

Check out the events in your area and register using the links below.

South East England

Thursday 28th July - Big Seaweed Search Rottingdean

Friday 29th July - Big Seaweed Search Holywell

Saturday 30th July - Big Seaweed Search Eastbourne

Sunday 31st July - Big Seaweed Search Rottingdean

South West England

Saturday 23rd July - Big Seaweed Search Weymouth

Thursday 28th July - Big Seaweed Search Westward Ho!

Saturday 30th July - Big Seaweed Search Plymouth

Sunday 31st July - Big Seaweed Search Exmouth

Saturday 23rd July – Plymouth - Kelp and critters workshop

Join artist Camilla Brendon for an art workshop which explores making sea creatures, from kelp habitats, with recycled materials.

Thursday 21st JulyPlymouth What kelp does for us?

Join artist Camilla Brendon as she chairs a discussion around the importance of Kelp. Panelists from the field will discuss the role kelp plays in mitigating climate change, providing coastal protection and its role in commercial farming, art and food production.


Monday 25th July – Big Seaweed Search Ardrossan

Monday 25th JulyBig Seaweed Search Edinburgh

Tuesday 26th July - Big Seaweed Search Edinburgh

Thursday 28th July - Big Seaweed Search North Berwick


Saturday 23rd July – Big Seaweed Search Llandudno

Tuesday 26th Jully – Big Seaweed Search Rhyl

Sunday 31st July – Big Seaweed Search Rhos-on-Sea

Juliet Brodie -NHM - Big Seaweed Search

Big Seaweed Search Week 2022: What did you discover?

Join us as we share the results from the Big Seaweed Search 2022. We'll be taking a look at what you found on your seaweed searches, and hearing from Professor Juliet Brodie, from the Natural History Museum, about how she's using your survey results in her seaweed research.

You’ll learn more about what seaweeds were recorded across the UK and how your search data plays an important role in helping us understand and monitor changes occurring in our ocean as a result of climate change.

Big Seaweed Search Results: Monday 8th August - 6pm